Serving Opportunities

There are many ways that you can become involved here at Orange City UMC.  As church members and followers of Christ, God calls us to become more like him. We must therefore seek out different ways that God has gifted us and stirred passions within us. Through the church we do this by reaching out and serving people in our community. 

Ministry opportunities

Music: Serve God through God through song: choirs & bands 

Children & Youth: Would you like to help teach our children and youth?

Liturgist: Please contact the front office if you would like to read scripture and other parts of the service on Sunday morning

Usher and Greeters: Do you love to greet people? we would love to connect you to our usher and greeter team on Sunday morning. Contact the front office for more details.


Staff Parrish Committee: This committee provides oversight and support to our staff and pastor.

  • Current Members: Martha Hewett, Janet Kipp, Stephanie Parks, Judy Wall, and Rosemary Ward

Trustees: This committee is to manage all resources of the church and “enable the vision and ministry of the congregation” with use of its physical properties.

  • Current Members: Lynn Maylone, Linda Reiter, & Allen Nyberg

Finance: This committee’s responsibility is to “nurture the financial vitality of the congregation.”

  • Current Members: Dave Jones, Brian Woods, Linda Hull & Cindy Allen

Other ways to serve

Outreach: We are always looking for volunteers to help us with our mission to serve our community. Click HERE to look at how we outreach to the community of Orange City and beyond. contact the front office if you would like to serve.

Office Receptionist: Our church office is open 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, 9:00am – 1:30pm. We would love assistance answering phones, greeting members and guests who visit our church office and other administrative tasks throughout the week. Please contact the front office if you would like to volunteer.

Handyman: Do you love to use your hands? Our property is always in need of care, lawn work, small repair projects, etc. Please let us know if you can help us keep our property and it’s building in good shape.

Computer and Sound Board: Can you click a computer mouse? Are you familiar with programs like PowerPoint? We could use your help on Sunday mornings. Contact the front office if you can help.

Click here to contact us through our online form: Serve

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