
We serve like Jesus in the church, through the church and beyond the church as we engage in social justice-seeking and compassion-sharing ministries. Here are the ways that we serve our community and beyond.

Ministries located at one of our facilities


A food pantry ministry of Orange City UMC.

We collect and distribute food items that are received from donations. They are distributed every Thursday at Community Connection and Mail Call from 8:30am-12pm. Donate food, offer financial support, or serve by preparing or distributing! For more information contact the church office. For a printable list of suggested items to donate CLICK HERE

MAIL CALL MINISTRY: Thursdays 8:30am- 12:00pm (Fellowship Hall)

Are you or someone you know in need of a place to receive your mail for free? Mail Call ministry is a ministry with our homeless friends the community. Clients can receive their mail at the church while sharing a cup of coffee, snacks, and conversation with ministry servants. Join us to develop meaningful relationships while providing for basic needs. For more information, contact Sue Remington, 386-775-3068.

At Orange City UMC, we have a secure system to collect and distribute your mail, free of charge. At this time we are only distributing mail on Thursdays, from 8:30am to 12:00pm. However, if you need to pick up your mail at another time when our office is open, you can arrange a pickup through our front office with prior notice. As you receive your mail, we also provide you with a bag lunch.

We also have a food distribution program twice each month on the first and third Thursdays, as well through Martha’s Cupboard, our food pantry. Our ministry packs grocery bags for individuals and families. We also have a table set up to distribute other items as they are available, such as bread, pastries, hygiene products, books, clothing, and other items as they become available to us to distribute.


Ministering to those in need,our Manna Ministry provides a bag of necessary items (socks, snacks, toiletries, resource list) at cost. In turn, we are able to give these out as we see someone in need in the community. Contact the church office for further details about Manna Ministry bags.

A.A., N.A. F.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Food Anonymous)

Easily digestible, relatable information for people who are facing substance use issues — and for their support networks, too.

To find a group: START YOUR RECOVERY , or call our front office to learn when groups are meeting at our church.


Would you like to join us by gathering together in prayer for a specific person in need or celebration? We pray as we tie knots around these soft and comforting blankets. You may join this group that meets once a month (or as needed). The prayer ministry is meeting at church on Wednesday night.


A wonderful tradition of the United Methodist Church, our United Methodist Women, holds a meeting on the 2nd Thursday of every month to uphold their vision of supporting missions globally and locally.


If you have special prayer requests or praises, please call the office at 386-775-3068, and we will pray with you or  send them online. May God’s peace and comfort be with you all! Stay home and stay safe!! 

Ministries that we partner with (Off property)

Residing Hope

Empowering children and families to experience the transforming love of Christ through wholistic care.

Residing Hope is now a diverse ministry that includes residential care, therapeutic group care, foster care, emergency shelter care, independent living assistance, and community child care center.

Throughout its long and valued history, Residing Hope has been a haven of peace and a merciful blessing to all that have come into her care.

To take a look at their website or to donate visit their website: CLICK HERE

H.O.P.E. Helpers Of People Enslaved, West Volusia Churches United

This is a faith-based coalition of people of multiple denominations, that we partner with, who are passionately dedicated to helping end human trafficking and to supporting survivors rescued right here in Central Florida. We help to prevent more victims by providing awareness education in our churches and communities. We support survivors by fundraising to assist those organizations which help them by providing housing, therapy, medical care, and job preparation.

Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise of this century growing from $9 billion to a $150 billion dollar global industry in a little over a decade. There is no typical trafficker. Traffickers can be parents or other close family members, boyfriends, girlfriends, neighbors, employers, or strangers. Traffickers can be a part of organized crime, corporations, gangs, or can work alone. Don’t ignore the facts. Slavery exists, and we can work together to end it. (Source: National safe place network.) We welcome you to join us!

Hope sponsors an annual fundraising and auction event. To donate and find more information about this event, CLICK HERE

For more information about the H.O.P.E. team or to become a member, please contact the church office at 386-775-3068.

For more information about human trafficking, please check out the links below.

We serve like Jesus in the church, through the church and beyond the church, as we engage in social justice-seeking and compassion-sharing ministries. Here are the ways that we serve our community and beyond.